US Economy's Acid Test: Can It Weather Further Fed Rate Hikes?


The Federal Reserve is expected to raise its interest rate later this week. As a result, officials are wrestling with the question of how to evaluate recent economic data, which raises the possibility that the economy may be too robust to maintain prices at their current levels.

Slower-than-anticipated inflation followed a June meeting of the US Federal Reserve. A lot of experts think the decline in inflation will keep going for a while. There is no reason to further tighten monetary policy after an expected rate hike of a quarter of a percentage point in July.

However, financial markets are encouraged and supported by the prospect of a Fed-sponsored "soft landing," in which inflation declines, unemployment remains low, and a recession is avoided.

This could work against the intentions of the Federal Reserve, and it's feasible that policymakers will keep fighting inflation even though some data suggest a decrease in the rate of price growth.

The Federal Reserve would rather not admit that the recent decline in inflation is temporary and that it is too soon to declare success. A number of financial experts believe that the Federal Open Market Committee will soon move to raise the overnight base interest rate to a range between 5.25 and 5.50 percent. After the decision has been made public, Chairman of the Fed Jerome Powell is scheduled to host a press conference.

There are indications of an economic downturn, and some officials anticipate additional weakening, which might lend support to a cautious approach to rate hikes. Some Fed officials have argued that a slowdown in consumption is necessary to reduce the remaining excess inflation, but higher-than-inflation job and pay growth enable consumers to keep spending.

Despite the attempts of the Fed to regulate the economy, the stock markets in the United States are on the rise, and financial conditions are exhibiting some signs of fragility. A new indicator of the central banks’ conditions suggests that tensions have eased since they may have reached their peak in the previous year.

Officials at the Federal Reserve are expected to consider factors outside inflation data, such as growth of GDP, job growth, and wage growth. when deciding whether or not to hike interest rates in the future.

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